The start of 49 storey tree house.
The 49 storey tree house.
hello my name is Aidan and this crazy friend Cam we live in a tree but when I say a tree house I don’t mean any old tree I mean a 49 story tree house. on the other side of the forest we live next to there is a girl called jill, she is another part of our story.we have invented lots of things such as dodgem cars, a skate ramp, a mud fighting arena, an Ante room, and much more.Our story all stars of when we get a call from jill and here is how it starts”
“WE HAVE A VIDEO CALL FROM JILL said Aiden to Cameron getting a heap of ice cream man. we get a video call from Jill “I need your help my donkey is sick and I need help for surgery please come quick.”” I’m not helping do that because it is too disgusting for me” said cam “well she did help us with the sharks when they got sick from cams underpants””I still feel sorry for them” said cam “ all right just because you helped us with the sharks, we’ll be right over”. We both hopped into teleporter. we pressed the big red button that said emergency, to Jill's house. And before we knew it we were there. “so whats wrong with your donkey.”.”I’m not sure, but in the morning the donkey was eating with its bum and when he went to go toilet he shoved his face in the toilet and then poo started coming out of his mouth.”
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