Ormie the pig catches a flight on a plane that was plastic ,and he made it himself. Ormie jumps out of the plane. Right after he jumped out, he reminds himself HE FORGOT HIS PARACHUTE!!!!! “ oh no” he said to himself. Ormie is going over 300 km per hour. Ormie gets stripped from his clothes. Ormie starts flapping his arms like an crazy hawk getting suckedd into a hurrakane. Ormie gets only three metres close to the fridge. and then .... KABOOM!!!!! a ton dynamite makes the fridge go flying into the air 100km per hour with Ormie on it. Ormie the pig is sitting on top of the fridge at sky high with the cookies right next to him. Ormie gets so close to getting his hands on the cookies but then KASPLAT!!!!!!Ormie is flat on the bottom of the plane. Ormie gets stuck by his fatness on the bottom of the plane when the fridge goes flying down onto the ground faster than light speed.“me cookies WA WA WA WA WA” he shouts.
3 hours later.
He finally falls of the plane.
3 hours later.
He lands on the fridge.
1 second later
he is staring at the cookies
3576 hours later
he is still staring at the cookies.
Ormie the pig is sitting on top of the fridge with the cookies. Ormie the pig gets so close to getting his hands on the cookies but then KABOOM!!!!!!
1111 years later.
He finally gives up
He walks home and right as he walks home through the door the first thing he hears is “oh finally your home” because were having cookies for dinner.
The end HA HA HA
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