Tuesday, February 26, 2013

find the dot

find the dot
This is my cat, Brian, and she likes chasing a red dot. We've been doing this for about two weeks.  When we've finished playing we put the laser on the ball of string for about 10 seconds and she starts playing with the string.  It's funny when she bounces over the basket.

find the red dot

BANG!!! my cat jumped onto a pile of wood and all of the wood came crashing down onto the ground. as soon as I saw my cat Brian I grab my best but it wasn't working then I tried my second laser and it worked so I got my laser and shone it right next to her. as soon as she saw it she bolted to the other side of the room to catch the dot. she was sprinting around the lounge for about ten minutes.she was going everywhere she even jumped on the TV ‘that was kinda weird. she climbed on my bunk bed and jumped off my bed landing face first. ‘I said ouch that would of hurt’. I decided I wouldn't do that anymore because I didn't want to hurt Brian

the end

1 comment:

  1. this is my buddy in room 9
    nice work cam on your blog
    and I had a look at your games and they were pretty good
