Friday, August 16, 2013

mountain goat

Mountain Goats.
Mountain goats are white fluffy animals that like to be up in the high ranges.

The mountain goat family are very close relatives to goats, but they are not really in the goat family, they are in the antelope family.  They are mammals.

Mountain goats have two layers of fur.  Their fur turns yellowish in winter and the second layer falls off in summer.  They have two layers on their hooves as well as their fur.  They have soft pads on the first  layer of their hooves then a hard pad on the second layer. The edges are harder than the middle because they use them for digging into hard rocks or ice.  They have a long face with a little beard at the end on their chin.  Mountain goats have black curly horns with a short tale like a sheep.

Mountain goats can get up from six foot to two meters high.Their shoulder  height is 3 to 3.5 foot . Their length can get up to an amazing five feet long.mountain goats weight can get from 45.3 kg to 136 kg.
Mountain goats live from the north-western United States to Alaska. Mountain goats live on high rangers where there is lots of snow fall and it is about 8000 ft above sea level.

Mountain goats are very special to Alaska and can be very lovable creatures once you get to know them so please don't go hunting for them.

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