Tuesday, June 03, 2014

The three kete of knowledge.

The legend of the three kete of knowledge.

The three kete of knowledge was brought to earth by a great and mighty god, Tane. Tane chose a learning school on the topmost heaven. to place the three kete of knowledge.

Tane had packed only a patu , his strength and his courage.

Tane began his journey by climbing the ropes of giant swirling whirlwinds of his brother tawhirimatea had made the winds. Tane made it to the to top, the second overworld. Tane’s  wicked evil brother whiro, was trying to beat him  to the three kete of knowledge. When Tane reached the the third overworld whiro was just behind him. He looked back behind him whiro was slowing gone in the load of bats, mosquitoes, owls and sandflies. Tane heard the voice of his brother calling for the bats, mosquitoes, owls and sandflies to attack Tane. he started sprinting for his life, but tawhirimatea blew all of the attackers away.

He reached the eleventh over world where he saw the gateway to the topmost te rangi, heaven. he entered the gates and into the learning school. There he met Rehua. Rehua presented to Tane The three kete of knowledge. Rehua told him what they were called. The first one was, of mental and physical challenges.The second one ment, the kete of emotions. the third was the kete of prayer.

Tane made his way back  to earth, but on the ninth overworld Whiro was waiting to attack him. When Tane and Whiro met They had a great battle.Tane would of been beaten but the three kete made him strong. Tane had defeated Whiro and threw him into the underworld.

Now Whiro brings bad thoughts, sickness and death to us. bats, mosquitoes, owls and sandflies still annoy us today, but it remind us of the three kete of knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Hey cam, Nice post! Hope ur enjoying being year 6!!!! :)
