Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Willie and Kiri Dialog

what we had to do to make this

1 We had to read a story and find all the facts about Cave Weta because for are camp we are going to look at some cave weta.

2 Then we had to find all the talking parts.

3 We had to write it all on a  new document.

4 We had to go on ordasaty and talk what we writ on our document



cameron red
thea purple

“I think, ice-cream grubs are my very, very favourite food. What do you think kiri?”
“You’re right Willie. Worms are good, but they are a bit earthy, if you know what I mean. And beetles are tasty... but....but”
‘’Too crunchy. Slaters are a bit crunchy too. But ice cream grubs they’re just squishy and delicious
“Ohhhhhhhhh. Try that crack Willie. I can smell something in there.”
“Quick! Where has the weta gone? Get it Willie! Get it!”
“It’s gone Kiri.”
“Humph! You were a bit slow. That was a huge weta. Let’s look for it. It can’t have gone far.”
“No, I’m full let’s sit down for a while. I never knew you liked weta.”
“Oh, I do. A bit scratchy on the outside, but delicious in the middle!”
‘’if i tell you a secret you will promise not to laugh?’’
“All right!”
“Cross my beak and hope to die.”
“I’m scared of Weta.”
“Scared of weta! YOU, scared of weta!”
“You promised not to laugh.”
“I’m sorry Willie. But it’s so funny! You being scared of weta. A big weka like you! You could easily grab that weta before it nipped you.
“I know I could. But its the feelers Kiri, and the scratchy legs. Hey, let’s go look for worms.”


1 comment:

  1. What's this? Capital letters at the beginning of each sentence? Awesome work, CamO!
